#ThursdayDoors — Guess the Kitchen

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Mystery front door, IMDb altered image

Hello, everyone. Originally, I was going to name this post, If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. The trouble is, that it’s even hotter outside.  As if I would cook anything when it’s 104°F…  If you know me, then you also know that I wouldn’t be cooking in the first place, no matter the temperature. 

Even so, I do love a nice kitchen — and kitchens are just full of all sorts of doors!  While I was collecting images, my idea altered.  I’ve selected a few kitchens that you might remember from old TV reruns.  Then you’re going to guess what TV characters/show that had the kitchen.  I’ll number the photos and list the answers at the end.

I apologize that the shows/kitchens might not be well known (or known at all) by those of you in countries outside the USA.

Okay, here we go.

1) The door below is from the same television series as the mystery front door.  When this show was finally filmed in color, we saw that the double ovens and the refrigerator were actually light blue. How cool is that?

Kitchen 1. IMDb altered photo

2)  Knowing one character, this seemingly mismatched kitchen was probably carefully planned.

Kitchen 2. The eclectic mismatch

3)  A cozy kitchen for many “heart-to-heart” chats.

Gilmore Girls kitchen Housebeautiful-com
Photo credit House Beautiful

4)  The barbs tossed around in this kitchen were sharper than the knives.

Kitchen 4 TV show set

5)  The window on the right is part of the door.  A neighbor will pop in any at minute.

Photo Carol Highsmith, Library of Congress

6) Lastly, how could I resist including a kitchen whose most important feature was the typewriter?

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Here are the answers:

1)  Kitchen and mystery front door for a situation comedy that ran from 1961 to 1966:  The Dick Van Dyke Show.

2)  From 1994 to 2004 some of our favorite pals congregated in this kitchen:  Friends.

3) The series aired from 2000 to 2007 followed by a 2016 sequel:  Gilmore Girls.

4)  With 180 episodes from 1985 to 1992 there were seven seasons of:  The Golden Girls.

5)  Trouble was always getting cooked-up in this kitchen from 1951 to 1957:  I Love Lucy.

6)  The kitchen where Jessica Fletcher penned her mysteries: with 264 episodes from 1984 to 1996:  Murder She Wrote.

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I hope the many doors inside these kitchens gave you a pleasant stroll down memory lane.  Thanks to all of you for opening this door.  Hugs!

♣ ♣ ♣

Of course, here’s the obligatory shameless self-promotion.

The Delta Pearl Duology

Image collage by Teagan
Image collage by Teagan

Universal Purchase Links

The Delta Pearl: A Steampunk Riverboat, Book 1

Kindle:  relinks.me/B0D4NPS5LP

Paperback:  relinks.me/B0D4Q1J94Q

The Geostrophic Pearl:  The Delta Pearl Book 2

Kindle:  relinks.me/B0D4R6MB1Y

Paperback:  relinks.me/B0D4TR686Q

♣ ♣ ♣

Thursday Doors is a weekly feature allowing door lovers to come together to admire and share their favorite door photos from around the world. It’s hosted by Dan Antion.  Feel free to join in on the fun by creating your own Thursday Doors post each week and then sharing your link in the comments below, anytime between 12:01 am Thursday morning and Saturday noon (North American eastern time).

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No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author, or used with permission, or from free sources.

Copyright © 2024 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

85 thoughts on “#ThursdayDoors — Guess the Kitchen

  1. Wow! Great “lotsa fun” post, Teagn.

    I got 4 out of 6!

    Considering I’ve only watched 3 out of the 6, I think that’s pretty good.

    I never watched “Murder She Wrote” but I knew of it (how could one not) and the clue was the cincher.

    Thanks & Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s wonderful to see you, Gerlinde. I like kitchens too, even though I’m not much of a cook. Your culinary creations definitely reflect how you feel about your kitchen. (Yum!) Many thanks for opening this door. Hugs.


  2. Such big airy kitchens! They all have a lot of personality, like their inhabitants. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen, both cooking and reading and writing. I like sitting at the counter. But my kitchen is tiny–still it’s fine for one. (K)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Kerfe. I didn’t watch The Golden Girls, so I was gobsmacked by how big that kitchen is. I like sitting at the counter too. One of the first bits of furniture I got when I relocated is a red retro-look Costco chair/stool with steps (the steps turned out to be barely useable). I love it, but it had 92 pieces and parts! It was painstaking work, but basically went together with a lot less frustration than many other things. Thanks for opening this door. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. I got completely burned out, having to put so many things together. Other things didn’t have as many parts as the Costco step-chair, but were impossible for just one pair of hands. I have a metal patio set, the chairs of which were so difficult, that the other three are still in the boxes. One chair put together… I’ve given away a few very nice things that were just too heavy for me to assemble. Everybody has a limit and I found mine…

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Given that it was black and white, I didn’t think anyone would get the Dick Van Dyke kitchen. I wouldn’t have if I had not seen the living room door first. But it made a fun lead-in for the post/game. I’m happy you had fun here, Kymber. Thanks for opening this door. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. When I was younger I watched reruns of The Dick Van Dyke Show. Still, it felt familiar, yet I couldn’t place it. I’m repeating myself, but this was so much fun! Sending hugs back at you. 🌺🩷

        Liked by 1 person

  3. This was a most excellent doors post, Teagan. I have always considered that kitchens are the heart of a home. So many great conversations happen around the kitchen table. Kitchens are where memories are made and traditions are passed down through generations. Sending hugs on the wing!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a fun quiz, Teagan. I got the first and the last – the ones in between left me ???? I never watched Friends much, but I should have gotten I Love Lucy and The Golden Girls. Dang!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What fun, Teagan. These all were so familiar but to put a name of the show to them was tough. I missed the Gilmore Girls and Murder she wrote. I loved your clue on the Dick Van Dyke show. Who could forget him tumbling over the footstool coming through that front door.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. That was fun! I missed two. I’ve never watched Gilmore Girls but, did guess Doby Gillis. I missed I love Lucy! I think if the image was in black and white I would have recognized it, but in color I didn’t at all! I had no guess for that one.

    Have a great day, Teagan! 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I tried my best guessing but I was pretty sure I wouldn’t get any of them right. When I scrolled down to read the answers I was right. I haven’t seen any of these movies/series. There is a huge fan following here for F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and they did let us watch it during my accent training back in 2003 but it did not suit my taste. So, I would usually skip those sessions and instead only attend when movies were on like Catch Me If You Can and Notting Hill. I believe Notting Hill is one movie that most call centers here would have in the training because the character of Julia Roberts speaks US English while Hugh Grant speaks UK English. Hence, it becomes easier to hear and relate in the same movie.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Sharukh. That’s interesting about films and TV shows being used for accent training — particularly Notting Hill. Juila Roberts was from the area north of Atlanta where I spent many years. Now I’m wondering if any of her home accent came through in the film. Probably not much (if any) because people who grow up near Atlanta don’t tend to have much of an accent. I never think about that when I see her on movies.
      If you want accurate USA-Southern accents, I rarely see anything with a true accent. The only one I can name is the old Designing Women series. Characters Julia, Suzanne, and Mary Jo were from Tennessee and Florida. Though Charlene (Jean Smart) was from Seattle, her imitation accent was spot-on. Thanks for opening this door. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Don’t feel bad, Beth. 😀 I only got 3, and if I had not already seen the door for the Dick Van Dyke show, I wouldn’t have gotten that one. Anyhow, I hoped this post would bring up a cozy feeling for everyone. Thanks for opening this door. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Suzette. You honed-in on my real reason for this post. I was looking for kitchens, then my thought process locked onto the cozy feeling of the TV show kitchens, and the guessing game followed. The game is an afterthought. I’m happy you enjoyed this. Thanks for opening this door. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. This was a fun post, Teagan. I recognized five, but I was guessing at The Golden Girls. We watched quite a few of those episodes, but I guess I focused more on the characters. I never watched The Gilmore Girls. I wasn’t a big fan of Murder She Wrote, but my mother loved it. Whenever she was around, that show was easy to find.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s more than most people got, Dan (including me). I chose the shows based on longevity/general popularity — and particularly on ones I where I could find photos that didn’t include the actors. My true objective was to give everyone a cozy feeling. The guessing game was an afterthought. I’m glad you had fun here today. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Pete. Many thanks for sharing. It was just a bit of fun. I’ve been surprised that anyone outside the USA recognized any of them. I only knew 3 myself. However, each of these kitchens had a homey feeling to me. Thanks for opening this door. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I remembered the Friends kitchen and the Golden Girls as well. Some of the other looked familiar but couldn’t place them. (I didn’t watch many episodes of the Gilmore Girls). Great post, Teagan!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. What a lovely idea for a post, Teagan! Kitchens are so often the heart of families and friendships, and it never fails to amuse me how people will congregate here even though a dining table is laid, refreshments in the living room! I always take that as a sign of a good party! 😀 The only one I recognise is #2 and now makes me want to watch a few episodes of this classic!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I remembered the kitchen from The Golden Girls. Who knows why we recall things like that when we can’t remember something from last week?

    Liked by 2 people

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