Summer Planning

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Christmas in July badge

I realize that this won’t interest everyone here, but sometimes it’s necessary to post such things.  All of a sudden, I decided to host a Christmas in July blog hop in celebration of my friends at the other end of the planet… and folks near and far who like Christmastime maybe just a little too much. 

Detailed rules and dates will be posted here next month. However, I wanted to give those who are interested in participating plenty of time to get their creative works together.

The main requirements will be that you do one (or more) posts about a creative endeavor you’ve made for the winter holiday season. (The holiday of your choosing — not necessarily Christmas.)  It can be a book, story, poem, cooking, art, or anything you’ve created as long as it has the holiday theme.  One other main requirement is that it needs to be fun, whimsical, or happy.

If you already know that you want to participate, then let me know in a comment. If you aren’t sure, then you have plenty of time to think about it.  Or just stop and say hello.  Hugs!

♣ ♣ ♣

All aboard!

My steampunk duology, “The Delta Pearl,” is now at the dock.  Mystery and adventure await you.

The Delta Pearl

The duology includes The Delta Pearl: A Steampunk Riverboat, and the conclusion of the story, The Geostrophic Pearl: The Delta Pearl Book 2.

Universal Purchase Links

Series Link:

Kindle and Paperback:

The Delta Pearl: A Steampunk Riverboat, Book 1



The Geostrophic Pearl:  The Delta Pearl Book 2



♣ ♣ ♣

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author, or used with permission, or from free sources.

Copyright © 2024 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved.

51 thoughts on “Summer Planning

        1. Thanks, Robbie. It was a grueling day — mentally AND physically (I had also sprained my foot… eye roll.) But I survived. Today I’m just trying to get over the emotional backlash — and keep my foot up as much as I can. I appreciate you thinking of me. Hugs back.


  1. Can it be just winter-themed? I did do holiday-themed designs back in the day, but I’m not sure how/where to locate the photos. Of course I have a month to find them. (K)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You probably guessed this would intrigue me, Teagan. I haven’t exactly hidden my love for that time of year, and Christmas in July is almost as good as Christmas…at Christmas. Sounds like a blast!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think it will be fun for everyone, Bruce. That’s going to be one of the few “rules” — that it be happy, or whimsical, or fun in some way (no matter what kind of creativity) — or at minimum have a happy ending (if it’s a story). Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a terrific idea Teagan!

    I’ll have to think on this. I might come up with something. I look forward to your further instructions.

    I’m not sure I know how to do a blog hop. I have seen blog hop posts when someone releases a new book, but still don’t get it.

    Okay.. New Year’s is cool, and so is Valentine’s Day..but Valentines isn’t really a holiday. The actual Winter Solstice is intriguing. Would that count?


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Resa. You probably have something already done that you could repurpose.
      Blog hop: One definition is simply an online networking event where bloggers link back to a host-blogger (and optionally) other blogs participating in the event. To me, “challenges” and blog hops are about the same thing.
      You’ve shown me a good point that I need to make clear when I write the guidelines. By “winter holiday” I meant any holiday that people in other cultures might celebrate around the general time that Christians celebrate Christmas (Hanukkah, Diwali [even though it’s a bit early], etc.). The winter solstice would be perfect!
      I’ll post guidelines/rules whenever I know what start date I’ll be able to handle. (See reply to Christine.) Hugs back to you. ❤


  4. Teagan, you come up with such interesting ideas. Not much of a Christmas holiday fan, but I like winter scented candles & decorations. Especially a lighted wreath on the inside of the front door. So, colors & scents, I can come up with. Let’s see how that goes. No snow in SoCal for the full winter Christmas effect. Thought of one more thing. We both have Birthdays in July! 🎂🎶 Added celebrating. Happy Weekend. ❤️ Hugs, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s lovely to see you Christine. Haha, indeed we do, moon-child friend. To be frank, the Christmas season is very difficult for me. That’s why I have not been able to finish the seasonal “Lulu” novelette I started in 2022 (I don’t think about working on it until the holidays). A month ago, I considered launching it as a Christmas in July book. Then, a little while later, when Dave Williams did that wonderful review for Hullaba Lulu, I really wanted to finish the story — and decided to make a blog hop so everyone could share their holiday creations. … Although I have an enormous C-PTSD related challenge to confront between now and my birthday. That’s why I can’t give date details yet. Hugs back to you.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I like this idea. Not sure I can contribute as I’ll be travelling until mid July. But maybe I can dig something up. I’m such a Christmas nut it’d be a shame to miss this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Darlene. That would be wonderful. Summer vacations are why I wanted to give everyone as much advance notice as possible, even though I’m not able to say the exact dates yet. (See reply to Christine above.) You could create or repurpose an old post — and schedule it in advance if necessary. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I haven’t done anything that could be considered for Christmas but that doesn’t mean I can’t create it. I’ve put on my creative hat and will see what happens. This looks like a bunch of fun. 😁

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thanks, Teagan. I am sure I’ve contributed Christmas stories and even a Valentine themed one (although I think that might have been in Spanish) to people’s blogs, so, if I don’t get any new inspiration, I’ll see if I can discover where I’ve hidden them. Thanks for keeping our mind and creative brains active, Teagan, and have a lovely weekend.

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