Weekend Serial — Atonement: Bad Bishop, Episode-3, Logic and Proportion, Featuring Roberta Cheadle

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Happy New Year from the Atonement Pigs

This is my last post of 2023.  Before I do anything else, let me wish each of you a sparkling New Year.  Honeybell, Moccus, and Deme are having a party to celebrate.

Today’s soundtrack is White Rabbit by Grace Wing Slick and Jefferson Airplane.  It fit Pepper Riley’s disoriented state, now that she has been dragged unwillingly back to the living world.  The song suggestion was from Roberta Eaton Cheadle.  Some of the song lyrics acted as “random reader things” to drive this episode, as did the mood of the music. Robbie has amazing talents. If you aren’t already acquainted with her, I hope you’ll take this opportunity to visit her blogs and Amazon Author Page.

Let’s get right to the episode.

♣ ♣ 

Episode 3 — Logic and Proportion Have Fallen Sloppy Dead


CGI image by Teagan via GenZArt
CGI image by Teagan

Disoriented and terrified, I looked all around.  I felt the hard floor beneath a pallet where I found myself.  I couldn’t remember how I got there.  However, I could remember other things… awful things.  My best friend was there, wiping away her tears, while she chuckled and told me it was going to be okay. 

I thought they were tears of relief, and briefly I wondered why.  Then the memory came — violin music and a pair of insistent amber eyes.  The recollection took hold and wouldn’t leave me.

Was it a dream? I wondered.

Randomly, recent events began to fall into proper order.  I thought that I remembered everything except how I had gotten there.  It had to be the same boathouse where Bheema and I had briefly locked Maudie and Adelle Metatron to keep them safe from that violent confrontation at Lake Uktena.  I shuddered at the memory of all that had transpired.

I had been wounded.  They tried to heal me… Then Uncle Salty was there, in that foggy place… Spike did something with that gold horn to heal me…  And… and I didn’t want to come back, but something forced me to return.

CGI by Teagan via Imagine

When I moved my feet, Spike pounced on a ratty old blanket that covered me.  Despite the single gold horn on the kitten’s forehead, that normal kitten action reassured me more than Maudie’s words.

“You’ve been able to see Spike’s horn from the beginning…” I muttered, but my voice was raspy and I spoke as Maudie was moving away, so she didn’t hear me.

Stiffly, I pushed myself up on my elbows.  Maudie was on her way to the boathouse door.  She followed a man dressed in the robes of a monk.  When they reached the door, he turned and looking past Maudie, his gaze met mine.

The amber eyes! I thought and gasped, as his eyes seemed to burn into my soul with a heat unlike anything I had ever seen.

He spoke softly to Maudie.  From where I lay, across the building, I couldn’t hear their exchange.  I did hear the name Fletcher, and I knew she was frightened for the deputy.

Image collage by Teagan

Weak, I sank back down to the pallet.  In the folds of the blanket that covered me, I saw the glitter of a semiprecious gem.

Another chess piece?  I was hoping I was finished with all that, I thought.

On an aquamarine base was a clear crystal quartz violin.  However, the top of the violin was shaped like the top of a castle tower.

A tower… another rook piece.  Mary Sue Leggett turned out to be a pixie, and she was the king’s rook.  That’s why she was so protective of Fletcher Hodge, the king’s knight.  So this would be the queen’s rook.  Unless it’s for the other side…  Is it white or black?

Shifting, I held the piece to the light for better inspection.  A small figure of a dancing man stood on top of the tower.  His eyes were made from faceted amber, which glittered like flame in the light.

Maudie locked the door behind the departing brown-robed man.  She kept up a stream of chatter as she checked the windows.  Then she moved a tacklebox to secure a small hole where Spike had previously escaped, just before I had been shot.

Just as she reached my side, the sounds of grunting and scratching came from the door.

CGI by Teagan via Imagine

“That sounds like Deme.  But why would she be back so soon?” Maudie muttered and hurried back to the door.

Hearing a dismayed exclamation from Maudie, I struggled to sit up again.  A clattering sound came toward me, like tiny hooves on the wooden floor.  It was the piglet that I had seen with Maudie while I was in that strange out of body state.  I gathered the pig’s name was Deme.  I also heard a female voice that I felt I should recognize.

A second later, Dr. Mary Sue Leggett, the psychologist who had turned out to be a pixie, moved into my line of sight.  It was clear that her arm was injured, and she was in pain.

“Deme came upon me while I was coming here from the mill,” Mary Sue explained with a nod toward the piglet, but the pixie’s tone became exasperated.  “It’s not like I had fallen sloppy dead…  But since I was unable to continue fighting, Bheema asked me to come back here to—” she stopped, in apparent concern about how to phrase her thought.

“To look after Pepper Riley and Maudie Rocket… and the nix,” someone finished for her.

The words came from a shadowed spot where the pig stood.  I couldn’t see anyone else.  I would have sworn that the pig had spoken, but that was absurd.


A dormouse might as well have told me to “feed your head.”  I thought of the new chess piece, and the various others that had come into my possession.

What’ll be next?  Will the men on the chessboard get up and tell me where to go, like in that old song?  Or maybe I had just had some kind of mushroom, without knowing it.

However, as a cloud passed over the sun, the shadows darkened, and the pig glowed softly.

Maybe the pig actually did speak.  It glows, so why not? I thought and gulped, but then Mary Sue continued.

“My arm is no good, but pixies have nimble feet.  I can still be useful,” Mary Sue said with a forced smile, wincing from pain.  “Besides, I freely admit that I don’t trust Cadence Nix, even if he is the ‘queen’s rook.’  And that’s my professional opinion as a psychologist,” she added with a wry smirk.

“The queen’s rook,” I murmured.

She did indeed have nimble feet.  I remembered that Mary Sue inserting herself between Fletcher Hodge and Kapros, the Erymanthian Boar.

Spike began mewing.  The kitten tried to bury her head in my armpit.  I was immediately concerned, because that behavior was new.  Worse, I was afraid she was hurting in a way I couldn’t identify.

At that moment, the pig gave a groan and sat back on her haunches, also hurting.

“That high-pitched sound.  Is it the kind of thing that’s just inside your head, or does anybody else hear it?” I asked, giving my head a sharp shake, and understanding what caused the animals’ pain.

“The sirens,” Mary Sue murmured.

“No,” the pig, Deme, began and shyly moved closer.  “Not just the sirens, but the siren.  I think this is outside of the chess game Old Green Eyes started.”

Before she could explain the significance of the remark, a loud crack split the air outside.  It was like a rifle shot, but a hundred times louder.  Everyone turned to look out the window.  The sound came from the direction of the two-story mill building at the other end of the lake.  It was made of wood, but had a tall stone foundation.  Stonework also supported the millwheel.

Then a tremendous boom sounded.  The ground shook, and dust sifted down from the rafters of the boathouse.

Outside, in the distance, we watched as the mill fell in upon itself.

“Fletcher!” Maudie gasped.

Episode end.

♣ ♣ ♣

The rest of our heroes were at that old mill.  Presumably so was young Donny, who is believed to have been abducted by the sirens.  Cadence Nix, was on his way.  Did he get there in time to help? Although, is he good or bad?

I love to hear from you, so friendly comments are encouraged.  Hugs!

♣ ♣ ♣

Atonement in Zugzwang, Book 1

If you haven’t followed the serial, the searchable Kindle (e-book) is a perfect way to start.  Likewise, if you want a refresher since this new serial is absolutely tied to Book-1, I’ve given you an easy way to catch up.

Universal Purchase Links
Kindle: relinks.me/B0CHNX2X6T

Paperback  relinks.me/B0CHL7DL6Q

The Rest of the Atonement Series

Atonement kindle covers Cat eyes shelf 2023

Atonement, Tennessee

Full series of e-books with one click:  relinks.me/B087JV25JT

Kindle:  rxe.me/HGSVA8A

Paperback: relinks.me/1481826948

Also in Spanish, translated by Olga Núñez Miret! The title for the Spanish-speaking market is Expiación y Magia

Atonement in Bloom

Kindle:  rxe.me/5RRBLH

Paperback:  relinks.me/1726882128

The Glowing Pigs, Snort Stories of Atonement, Tennessee

Kindle   rxe.me/LTBDNH

Paperback   relinks.me/1725891972

♣ ♣ ♣

This is a work of fiction.  Characters, names, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2023 by Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene

All rights reserved. 

No part of this work may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All images are either the property of the author or used with permission, or from free sources.

62 thoughts on “Weekend Serial — Atonement: Bad Bishop, Episode-3, Logic and Proportion, Featuring Roberta Cheadle

  1. That was a great song choice and perfect for the episode, or the episode was perfect for the song. Lol. A cliffhanger to end the year. I’m looking forward to seeing what 2024 brings! Have a wonderful new year full of your signature creativity, Teagan. Thanks for the fun read!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy New Year, Teagan!

    I certainly wasn’t expecting the mill to fall in on itself.
    A good thing about Pepper remembering things(or trying to) is that it serves as a reminder to me.
    So, a Queen’s Rook!
    How close is that chess board to being complete? I feel I need a thorough review on that.
    Hmm, what’s with Spike!
    Guess I’ll find out more next week! Thank you! Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Resa. I hope you had a lovely New Year’s Day. Glad I could surprise you with the mill. The chessboard never had to be completed. The king pieces were never going to be assigned, because people infer too much into that, with rulers and such. At the end of part one, Gathright had basically broken his own rules, so the “game” is off the rails. Even so, (except for the kings and the other queen) the board is probably at least 3/4the complete If you want to review, all the old posts are still online, and the ebook allows word searches. Tell ya what — I’ll email you a rough table. It doesn’t have all the details, but maybe it will help. Hugs back to you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you Teagan!
        An incomplete chessboard is way more intriguing than a completed one.
        Brilliant move Teagan.
        Thank you for this explanation.
        Your mind moves in many directions.
        Love it!
        HNY Hugs!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s interesting about the song, Liz. I hadn’t thought of it, but I can easily see what you mean. I got curious and researched just now. It seems that “Grace Slick is adamant the song does not refer to drugs. For Slick, the song “is about following your curiosity. The White Rabbit is your curiosity.”
      What’s next indeed? I’ve known that mill scene has to be done for about a month now, and I’m just not able to write something violent right now. I could write my way around it, but that would sell-short the story. We’ll have to wait and see. Thanks for reading and commenting. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Excellent chapter, Teagan, that relieved me with Pepper’s return to the land of the living. However, you’ve left us hanging, as usual, with the ending. And why is the kitten burrowing into her armpit – did it sense the impending explosion? Your readers always have tons of questions!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great song choice by Robbie, and I LOVE the party pigs!

    The episode has me on the edge of my chair and wanting more, Teagan. More story and some answers. I’m trying to avoid thinking that I see how this is falling into place (‘cuz I know I can’t trust or figure out your imagination). I am content to fallow where this goes.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend as 2024 slides into view.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Keeping us in suspense until next year – good move, Teagan. (But then again, I couldn’t expect otherwise!)
    I can’t decide which gif fit you best so, here’s both….

    Liked by 2 people

  6. It’s good to see Robbie featured here, Teagan. And, what an episode! Apart from some wild and wonderful images, the story is quickening its pace and the intrigue. Happy 2024! I’m sure it will be a year full of stories and I hope it brings you, Velma and Daphne, plenty of good things. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi Teagan, what a splendid episode. I’m so glad you enjoyed my song choice and it was useful to you. I really love the unicorn kitten and Deme, the picture in the beginning of the dancing pigs is brilliant. Wishing you a great New Year and all the very best for 2024. PS I was thinking last night that I must read one of your books next. I feel a need for some Teagan Fantasy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for this lovely comment, Robbie. It was fun to put the pigs in some party clothes, LOL.
      You’re so kind — I think you’ve read everything I’ve written. Maybe I can find something for you that I haven’t “finalized” (or published). A fantasy is a great way to start a new year. They say we have to focus on what we want to manifest it. I think I’d rather have fantasy than reality, LOL, so I think I’ll read one too. 😀 Thanks for all your comments and encouragement throughout the year. Hugs.


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