Train Schedule Update

Girl n Cat at Train Station

If you’ve looked high and low, and the steam locomotive scheduled to take you to Copper, the Alchemist, and the Woman in Trousers was not at the station…

Next Train-ClockWell, that’s because there has been a delay.  A cast iron finial fell off the train.  Copper and Felicity are looking for it right now.  Although Cornelis and the Green Fairy appear to be arguing over a board game.  At any rate, Episode-21 requires the cast iron finial.  So until it is back on board, the locomotive is delayed.

But don’t worry, you won’t have to wait long.  Depending on your time zone the steam engine will roll up to the platform by tomorrow.

Meanwhile, take a look at Yadadarcyyada.  The inimitable Donna Parker sent the three things that fueled the train to the Victorian Era for this weekend’s episode.  So stay tuned to see where Ginger Beer, Backgammon, and Cast Iron Finial take Copper, the Alchemist, and the Woman in Trousers! 

Train schedule BlueMeow!  

What? Lilith?  You’re supposed to be in Atonement, Tennessee.  How did you get here?


Another of Conrelis Drebbel’s spells backfired and somehow you were caught in it?  Well then, no worries little one. You can have some catnip with Crystal. But I forgot about Donna’s cast iron finial, so I have to work that into the next chapter.

Crystal w-Story Jar 06-29-14

Here’s a little teaser…

The Green Fairy fluttered to one of the two perpetual motion machines.  The glass dome filled with green fog.  After a moment the haze cleared.  A blurry figure lurched and bobbed.  When it came into focus I saw that it was the hydrofoil.  I saw the big chimpanzee jumping around and the woman who commanded that small group.

See you soon.


Teagan sig

23 thoughts on “Train Schedule Update

  1. Looking forward to next weekend, but thanks for the trailer. I do enjoy the sound of a cork popping from champagne and your cast of intriguing characters. Have a great week Teagan n I’m glad you like the advice posts.


  2. Oh, Atonement in Bloom, thats a very good reason to give Copper, Woman in Trousers and the Alchemist a break this week. Thanks for letting us know. I was waiting for this weeks installment but working on Atonement is important and knowing whats coming makes this brief lapse totally worth it.


    1. Thanks for the encouraging words, Suzanne. I’ve worked hard on it all weekend, and (as always when i’m novel writing) the number of pages just does not seem to do justice to the number of hours… But i’ve made good progress i think.
      The serial is definitely back on the locomotive tracks for next weekend.
      (Now i’m jonesing for some of the sparkling red wine featured in your last post. 😀 )
      Huge hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Tim. Wow — that really is interesting! I didn’t know that about the Albuquerque railroad. Your neighbor is surely full of great stories. Thanks so much for the comment. Wishing you and yours a great week ahead. Hugs!


  4. Speaking of steam locomotives, the rail yards in Albuquerque were the premier steam locomotive maintenance yards in the country. What’s even more interesting, is my neighbor, now retired, was a machinist for the railroad. When he started working at the rail yards as an apprentice, he worked on steam locomotives. The railroad was making the transition from steam locomotives to diesel electric locomotives when we began his long career with the railroad.


    1. Hi Olga. WordPress gremlins hard at work — my reply to you yesterday disappeared… The feline assistants give you big purrrs in return.
      Yesterday proved more productive than the morning looked like it was going to be.
      Book-2 has come with so many stops & starts, odd bits & pieces coming to me in no particular order… I saw that i had to invest the time in creating a “time line” for the story — then go back and arrange things properly. At first i hated to use so much time for doing that, but it proved to be a good idea. It will help a lot in the long run.
      I hope your weekend is lovely. Huge hugs! ❤ 😀


    1. Thank you Janet. LOL, i get so blocked (work stress creeps in every time I try to work on a novel) I just hope something actually does develop! 😀
      A great big Valentine’s Day hug to you too!


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