Bloggers around the Christmas Tree – Icelandic trolls and horses, parties and Spice

Let me be perfectly honest… I was too tired to do a post this week. It seems like that is not a “PC” way to be, but there you have it.
However that treasure-trove of blogging generosity, Sally Cronin included me in a post last week. It includes a collection of writers and bloggers to whom I pale in comparison. (Okay… not a good choice of words, since I’ve always been paler than everyone else, pale as a ghost, but my tired brain couldn’t come up with better.) So be sure to click over and read Sally’s post.

Wishing each and every one of you a wonderful holiday, filled with magic, happiness, and… mega hugs!

47 thoughts on “Bloggers around the Christmas Tree – Icelandic trolls and horses, parties and Spice

  1. Sorry for the late comment, Teagan. This year doesn’t want to end peacefully for me.
    Wishing you a happy New Year – both in your real and fictional life 😉 Hope all is well in Atonement, TN :). My friend ( she is a nurse) just moved to Arizona, and I am thinking of you as I read their posts. Have a wonderful holiday time! Never give up on chocolate and cakes 😉 Many hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Inese, there is no such thing as late at Teagan’s Books. 🙂 But I do understand what you mean. I’m trying hard to end this year on a positive note (despite it being an utter failure, especially re AZ) — and had managed to frame my thoughts so; to feel it was ending on an up swing. Then this morning I awoke to a very, very sad dream. Trying to sake it off with a cup of coffee. LOL, and maybe some chocolate and a bite of cake later (can’t have more than a bite with my egg allergy). 😀
      Wishing you endless wonder and continual happiness. Mega hugs right back.

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        1. You’re too kind Christy. The other one was over two years old, so I figured an update was in order. I never can hold the camera still enough though, so it was blurry. I tried to disguise that with the “film grain” effect… Have a terrific Tuesday.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Teagan, even tired you remember to give to others. 🙂 Sally’s post was lovely, which makes sense, Sally is such a generous soul. 🙂
    Merry Christmas to all in this the holiday season and all the year through. Wishing everyone a wonder-filled 2017! 🙂
    I hope you get some rest, dear Teagan, wishing you all the peace of some time off. 🙂
    Mega we should have Christmas in our hearts all the year through hugs xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Indeed we should, Donna. A good path to that is learning to have a true, deep sense of gratitude for simple things, and fully enjoy them (as I’m sure you already know). It’s an exercise that helps me — finding such an ordinary thing and experiencing real gratitude for it. Like my morning coffee. Really living that moment of flavor, temperature, and even the mug it’s in. By the way, I’m only reminding myself here — not suggesting for you or anyone else. I need constant reminding to keep my attitude of gratitude alive. Hopefully it will build my energy too. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Mega Holiday Hugs.


  3. Merry Christmas Teagan, I hope your day is spent doing exactly what you want to do and thank you for sharing Sally’s post. This is such a wonderful community of talented and giving people and I am so thankful to know you and everyone in this amazing community.

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